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And then we come to Valentine's Day, a bright spot in a gray month. We do have a few Valentine's Day features , including Jeanne Doherty's article on the tendency of romantic stories to end badly, and her compiled list of special (but not too pricey) restaurants for a nice evening out. Continuing with romances, Sarah Evans reflects on teenage romance novels and their expectations for their readers. We also have a satirical Blast from the Past from February nineteen years ago that is still funny (and relevant) today.
But, as many people have sadly discovered, relationships can fall apart. Although most people who break up are decent enough not to publicly violate the trust of their former partner, our world has its share of creeps and criminals, which is why we have revenge porn.
Of course, child pornography laws were designed to protect kids, not prosecute them for bad judgment, but there have been cases of youth being placed on sex offender lists for consensual sexting. Fortunately those cases are getting increasingly rare as prosecutors and law enforcement realize that there are better ways to deal with teen sexting. 59ce067264